
About Emil:

Emil's CV, may not include the latest awards and publications.

Fellowships & Awards:
  1. University of Maryland 2013 Invention of the Year for the paper Practical dynamic proofs of retrievability (with Elaine Shi and Charalampos Papamanthou)
  2. Finalist for AT&T Best Applied Security Paper Award (2013), for the paper: PHANTOM: Practical Oblivious Computation in a Secure Processor
  3. U.C. Berkeley EECS Department Chair's Excellence Award, 2009
  4. Cisco Systems Scholarship, 2008
  5. Lockheed Martin Scholarship, 2007
  6. 4th place CERIAS Symposium research poster award out of 48 posters, 2007 (as a sophomore at Purdue)
  7. FIRST Robotics National Website Design Award, 1st place out of 1,125, 2006 (as a supervisor of the West Lafayette High School Robotics Team)
  8. Raytheon Systems Scholarship, 2006
  9. ACM East Central North America Programming Contest, 7th of 113 teams
  1. Emil's online course scheduling program
  2. NPR: The end of anonymous commenting
  3. Boing boing: Scalable stylometry: can we de-anonymize the Internet by analyzing writing style?
  4. Slashdot: Anonymous Cowards, Deanonymized
  5. IEEE spectrum: Hardware Trick Could Keep Cloud Data Safe (this MIT project uses Emil's Path ORAM algorithm)